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axion-release-plugin has an abstraction layer to support multiple repositories, although for the time being only git is supported.

By default axion-release searches for repository in root project directory. You can change this using property:

scmVersion {
    repository {

You can also change remote used to push changes:

scmVersion {
    repository {

By default, all changes are pushed to origin.

In some cases (i.e. CI environments) the repository will be working in a detached head state, where a single commit is checked out without tracking a branch. In these cases, the release task will fail when it attempts to push local commits to the remote repository. To solve this error, you can tell the plugin to only push tags to the remote, which is allowed even when a local branch is not checked out:

scmVersion {
    repository {

A command line flag, release.pushTagsOnly is also available in case you do not want to set this in your build script:

./gradlew release -Prelease.pushTagsOnly

The command line flag will override the build script even if the script has explicitly set the pushTagsOnly flag to false.

See authorization for authorization options.